Yoga Poses to Help with Hip Replacement Recovery

These are common yoga postures but performed with a variation that  focuses on health and safety after a total hip replacement. As you start  your yoga practice, always consult with your doctor and a physical  therapist so that your recovery continues to progress toward full  recuperation.

Mountain Pose

This is a standard yet remarkably effective yoga posture when it comes to practicing alignment throughout the body.

Extended Mountain Pose

After you have held Mountain Pose for the assigned set of breaths, you can add a simple movement.

Half Forward Fold

For safety, you may want to perform this next posture using a wall or  the back of a chair as a prop for support. It is Half Forward Fold.

Another standing posture, Tree Pose, can help with balance and gently  open the hips. Still using the back of a chair or wall for balance,  stand with your right side facing your prop.

Tree Pose

Another standing posture, Tree Pose, can help with balance and gently  open the hips. Still using the back of a chair or wall for balance,  stand with your right side facing your prop.

Warrior 2