We treat sports injuries with minimally invasive arthroscopic techniques and cartilage preservation through small incisions, minimizing injury to your soft tissue.

CBD in Orthopedic Practice: Enhancing Recovery and Well-being Beyond Opiates

The integration of Cannabidiol (CBD) in orthopedic practice offers a promising alternative to traditional opiate-based pain management.

By |2023-12-30T23:00:38-10:00December 30, 2023|Joint Replacement, Orthopedic Problems, Sports, Trauma|

Exploring the Relationship Between Joint Replacement and Running: Insights from a Recent Study

Introduction As an orthopedic surgeon specializing in joint replacement, [...]

By |2023-12-22T21:57:58-10:00December 22, 2023|Joint Replacement, Sports|

Tips on Returning to Pickleball after Hip or Knee Replacement

[toc] What is Pickleball? Pickleball is a fun and [...]